Actor portrayal of an adult female doctor talking with a female patient in a doctor's office Actor portrayal of an adult female doctor talking with a female patient in a doctor's office

Starting the conversation.

Help protect yourself from pneumococcal pneumonia. Ask your doctor or pharmacist today about Prevnar 20®.

Here are some ideas to get the conversation started:

Actor portrayal of an adult male doctor holding a tablet smiling

Not sure what to talk about? Use the guide below to start the conversation with your doctor or pharmacist.

Am I at risk because of my age or my health conditions?

  • How does my age put me at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia?
  • Do my health conditions or medical history put me at risk?
  • How could pneumococcal pneumonia make my health condition worse?
  • Do any of the medications I take suppress my immune system, putting me at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia? (Bring a list of all your medications to show your doctor.)
  • Is there a specific time of year I should get vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia?
  • Can I get Prevnar 20 at the same time as other vaccines, including the flu vaccine?

Is Prevnar 20 right for me?

  • Can Prevnar 20 help provide additional protection if I have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine?
  • Where can I get Prevnar 20?

View Your Discussion Guide (PDF)

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Prevnar 20 may be available at no additional cost to you.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist if Prevnar 20 is covered under your insurance plan.

Pricing information can be found at